Anand Jayapalan

Almost all enterprises make use of some form of technology in order to manage their business operations today. These enterprises must create a robust technology plan as per their specific requirements. Earlier, Anand Jayapalan had spoken about how technology planning involves the strategic process of aligning the technology infrastructure and investments of an organization with its business goals and objectives. Technology planning typically includes assessing the current technological environment of a company, identifying areas for improvement, and developing a roadmap, so as to implement new technologies that can help improve operational efficiency and competitiveness.

Here are some of the most important elements that the technology plan of business should prioritize:

  • Complementary equipment: The equipment chosen for a business for a business matters a lot, and hence would be important to its technology plan. Even if a company does have certain technology assets in place, unless these solutions work together with the other equipment and contribute toward the unique goals of the enterprise, one wouldn’t be able to utilize its full benefit. In fact, certain equipment might even counteract one another. Companies need to focus on investing in high quality equipment that meets their specific requirements. Low priced equipment may not include vital updates or can turn faulty pretty fast, which can put business data at risk and lead to costly remediation efforts. A company should try to acquire equipment that makes sense for the network needs of their business, and can also perform securely and with stability.
  • Scalable hardware and software: No matter whether a company is just starting out or has been in business for years, it is vital to invest in hardware and software that will scale with the venture. Instead of going for quick fixes, it is important to opt for solutions that can last for the long haul. Doing so can help increase the longevity of the technology plan. A scalable technology plan would be helpful in accommodating unplanned, future changes. Unless one takes scalability into consideration, the technology plan may get hit by growing pains just when a business starts to advance toward its goals, thereby sending it back to square one.
  • Enhanced cyber-security measures: Any company that uses the internet is vulnerable to cyber-attacks, making data security essential for modern organizations. Small to mid-size businesses, who often believe that they are not targets for cyber-criminals, are actually frequently victimized. Businesses are prime targets for cyber-criminals, and recovery from an attack is far more challenging than prevention. Incorporating a proactive cyber-security strategy into the technology plan of a company is crucial for protecting the assets of the organization from damage or theft. A robust technology plan would entail investing in cyber-security measures like next-gen firewalls, malware protection, data encryption, data backups, password managers, anti-phishing software, multi-factor authentication and more. 

One must understand that even though the aspects discussed above are important priorities for a good technology plan, they are certainly not the only necessary ingredients. Earlier, Anand Jayapalan had discussed that a robust business plan must cover much more than the basics. It needs to feature elements that meet the specific needs of a company and provide protection against its unique vulnerabilities.