crystal healing therapy

Are you one of those individuals who struggle with waking up in a bad mood every morning, with itchy eyes and an inability to focus due to sleep deprivation? Are you tired of relying on sleeping pills and caffeine to get through the day? Quality sleep is an essential human requirement.

Fortunately, crystals are at your service so that you can sleep restfully. Like amethyst and moonstone, these crystals cast their magical spell so that your stress and anxiety vanishes.

So, are you ready for crystal healing therapy? This guide has all the essential information regarding the stones that can help you sleep better and become a sleeping beauty.

1. Amethyst

Amethyst is well-known for its calming properties, making it a go-to crystal for promoting relaxation and reducing stress. Its soothing energy helps quiet the mind, allowing you to drift off into a peaceful sleep. Amethyst is also said to ward off nightmares, making it a perfect choice for those who experience restless nights due to unsettling dreams.

How to Use: Place an amethyst crystal under your pillow or on your nightstand to create a calming atmosphere for sleep.

2. Lepidolite

Lepidolite contains lithium, which is often used in medications for mood stabilization. This makes it an excellent stone for reducing anxiety and promoting a sense of peace before bed. It’s especially beneficial for those who experience insomnia due to stress or overthinking.

How to Use: Hold a piece of lepidolite in your hand as part of your bedtime routine to calm your nerves and quiet your thoughts.

3. Moonstone

Moonstone is known as the stone of new beginnings, and it’s strongly connected to the moon and feminine energy. It’s said to encourage restful sleep and help balance emotions, making it a powerful tool for those who experience anxiety or emotional turbulence at night.

How to Use: Place moonstone on your nightstand or under your pillow to invite calm and emotional balance as you sleep.

4. Howlite

Howlite is another stone that’s known for its calming properties. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety while promoting tranquility and sleep. Howlite is especially helpful for those whose minds race at night, preventing them from falling asleep easily.

How to Use: Meditate with howlite before bed or place it under your pillow to slow down an overactive mind.

5. Selenite

Selenite is known for its high vibrational energy, which makes it a great crystal for cleansing and clearing negative energy. It can help create a peaceful, protective environment that is conducive to sleep, particularly if you’re prone to nightmares or restlessness.

How to Use: Place a selenite wand under your bed or near your sleeping area to clear any negative energy and promote a restful night.

6. Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz is a grounding stone that helps release negative energy, anxiety, and stress. Its calming and grounding energy can assist you in achieving a more restful sleep by helping you feel secure and stable.

How to Use: Keep smoky quartz near your bed to ward off anxiety and promote a sense of security as you sleep.

7. Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is often associated with love and healing, but it’s also great for promoting inner peace and relaxation. Its gentle energy can help you feel safe, comforted, and ready to drift into a peaceful sleep. It’s also said to be helpful for those dealing with grief or emotional stress.

How to Use: Hold rose quartz while you’re winding down at night, or keep it under your pillow to encourage a restful, loving energy as you sleep.

8. Labradorite

Labradorite is known as the stone of transformation and intuition. It’s often used to enhance dreams and help you connect with your subconscious. For those who wish to have more vivid or meaningful dreams, labradorite can be an excellent choice.

How to Use: Place labradorite under your pillow or near your bed to enhance dream recall and encourage vivid, meaningful dreams.

9. Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is a protective stone that helps to shield against negative energy. If you’re someone who struggles with anxiety, fear, or even nightmares, black tourmaline can help create a safe space where you feel more secure and grounded during sleep.

How to Use: Keep a piece of black tourmaline under your bed or in your bedroom to create a protective, grounding energy while you sleep.

10. Blue Lace Agate

Blue lace agate is known for its calming and soothing properties, which make it a perfect stone for promoting sleep. Its gentle energy can help ease an overactive mind and provide comfort to those who struggle with anxiety or restless sleep.

How to Use: Place blue lace agate near your bed or under your pillow to create a calming, serene environment for sleep.

How to Use Crystals for Sleep

Now that you know which crystals are best for sleep, you might be wondering how to integrate them into your nightly routine. Here are a few simple ways to use crystals for better sleep:

  • Under the Pillow: Place your chosen crystal under your pillow to keep its energy close while you sleep.
  • On Your Nightstand: If placing crystals under your pillow isn’t comfortable, you can simply set them on your nightstand.
  • Sleep Pouches: Create a small pouch with your favorite sleep crystals and keep it in your bed or near your pillow.
  • Meditation: Hold a calming crystal like howlite or lepidolite while meditating before bed to relax your mind and body.


Whether you’re looking to banish nightmares, calm your racing mind, or simply get a more restful sleep, crystals can be a beautiful, natural addition to your bedtime routine. From calming amethyst to grounding black tourmaline, each crystal has its own unique energy to help you achieve a better night’s sleep. By integrating these stones into your nighttime routine, you can create a more peaceful, restful space and wake up feeling refreshed. Give it a try—your body and mind might thank you!